Wednesday, September 1, 2010

AP US History- Summer Assignment

Hopefully all of you had a great, and relaxing, summer. As part of your first homework assignment I would like for you to reflect on the textbook reading assignment. Please keep your comments brief (a paragraph or two at most) and discuss what you thought were some of the pros and cons of the assignment. What did you like, or dislike, about THE AMERICAN PAGEANT?

Be sure to read and hopefully comment on your classmates' blog entries. Finally, welcome back to school and I look forward to a great year with all of you.


  1. Mr. Frese- Block One--
    Welcome to Mr. Petersen from Russell Sage

  2. Mike Fish--Block One-

    In my opinion the assignment was alittle long but it was okay to do. I didn't think the first chapter was worth much of anything due to its lack of information. It is nice that there are some opinions in the book and that its not to wordy. It has decent section lengths and overall is a decent read for information. I also agree with Mr. Frese's comment above, Welcome Mr. Petersen!

  3. Jakob Yager--Block One--

    I thought that the summer assignment was a good way to lead into the year. It made it so that we were not going into the year clueless. The assignment was a bit long as Mike said above but the amount of time given to complete the task was plenty. I liked that the text was not difficult to comprehend was full of information. All-in-all, the summer assignment was an excellent way to lead into the year.

  4. Paul Ancin--Block One--

    I think that the summer assignment was worth the time. Even though is was a little long and could get boring at times, doing the notes was definitely worth it. As Jakob stated, it had plenty of information and was a good way to start the year. The reading notes were a good idea.

  5. Zach Siatkowski--Block One--

    In my opinion, the summer assignment was fine; not the most exciting of assignments, but it was informative. It was long, as everyone else before has said, but not too long. Paul brought up the topic of reading notes, which I thought helped me focus on the content. I wasn't entirely sure that reading The American Pageant was necessary, as we will be learning about the Revolution in class, but at the same time, it wasn't that hard to read, and did go into detail without being over the top.

  6. Kayla B. Block One

    The summer reading assignment, in agreement with Zach was not the most exciting thing to look forward to during the summer. However, it gave a certain challenge that was needed to help keep me focused and to take my time. With agreement to the rest, the notes were worth the time. But with the book itself, gave the right amount of detail which would have been passed right over in another text.

  7. Mr. Frese-
    Great sure to use only your first name and last initial when making entries and put down what Block class you have.
    I agree with all of you so far that the notes provide a jump start to the year.

  8. Kelsey O. Block 1AC
    I agree with the above comments that the assignment was lengthy. However, I think this assignment will be very useful throughout the course of the year. It took up a large majority of my summer, but it will be worth it in the end.

  9. Dakota B. - Block 1

    I agree with what many of the other people have said. I think the assignment may have been a little time consuming but helped us get a jump start on the year. I feel like these notes will help me follow class activities in the future.

  10. Alyxe P. Block 1AC
    I agree with Kelsey about how the assignment took a lot of time. I think the text book gives a lot of information that will be very useful and learning how to take the notes will help me in not only this class, but in many more to come. I have learned information about history that I wouldn't have learned otherwise.

  11. Robyn E 1AC

    I liked the book I thought it had very good points and went over the subjects really well. I thought the summer assignment wasn't as bad as it really was...but thats because I did it wrong, need the fix that. I liked the Birth of the Republic assignment more over the two. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the year goes.

  12. Cheryl B.- 1A/C
    I agree with the comments above because I also thought the summer assignment took a long time. However, I thought the assignment was easy and very straightforward. I liked how Mr. Frese gave us the key term paper!! It was extremely helpful.

  13. John S. 1 A/C
    I agree with all of the comments above, the assignment was good but a little long. the book was fun though i liked it. The book had a lot of every good information on it. I wish I started it a little early so i did not rush anything!

  14. Drew B. 1 A/C
    As many have stated above me, the reading notes and actual reading was very time consuming. Although this was a long assignment i believe that if you were able to focus enough it was very informational. I believe this is a great way to be introduced into the class, work wise, and topic wise.

  15. Caitlin W. 1AC
    I'm going to agree with all of my classmates on the fact that the assignment was lengthy, as well as extremely tedious. I also think that it was a great way to prepare us for what is to come in the following year, and introduce us to some of the things we will be learning about through the course of the year.

  16. Chelsea M. 1ac
    As all the early comments mentioned, the summer assignment was somewhat lengthy, but was overall worth it. It gives you a heads up to what we will be learning and helps you to learn some information, making sure you don't go to class clueless. The notes were definately worth the time.

  17. Emily S. Block 4 BD
    I didn't think the summer asssignment was that bad, I thought it was pretty time consuming though. I am going to use my notes to help me with class topics/discussions, also for studying. I hope I will get better at taking chapter notes soon so I don't write too much. But overall I think the chapter notes gave me an idea of what this class is going to be like, and also what the work will be like.

  18. Adam M. 1AC
    The Summer Assignment was pretty helpful because it was a preview into what we were going to be doing early in the school year. It was sort of an overview of the information that we would be going deeper into and anylizing. The cons that came from this assignment was that it was pretty long and time consuming, but I found it to be helpful.

  19. Casey Y. 1AC
    As most of my classmates stated, the assignment may have been a bit lengthy. This being stated, the assignment also introduced my classmates and I to the workload of the AP course. As Jakob stated, the assignment was definetely a good way to lead into the year. Overall, I think that the assignment was worth it and a way to get my mind going again after the summer away from school.

  20. Amanda N. Block 4BD
    I agree with everyone else that the assignment was long, but it provided a good jump start to the year and gave us an idea of what we will have to do for the class. One thing I disliked about the American Pageant book is that it does not have a glossary or index, so if you miss something in the chapter you have to read all the way back through it again. Overall, I thought the assignment was a beneficial way to start the year.

  21. Tina M. Block 4BD
    Though the assignment was time consuming, I found it to be very beneficial. Reading through the textbook provided greater detail than would normally be found in class discussions. This gave me a more thorough understanding of the information and will no doubt help throughout the year. Also, the notes will be a great resource in the upcoming months.

  22. Ian M. Block 4BD
    I didn't have trouble completing the six chapters in the two months provided. It did become rather tedious and frustrating as the due date got closer, but it was well worth it. Every chapter helped jog my memory of sections we may have covered in seventh and eighth grade, and expanded on them.

  23. Mr. Frese--
    Good job Block One A/C...hopefully the you will USE the notes wisely and to help prepare for class discussions.

  24. Spencer A-- Block One--
    Like Ian said I also did not have trouble completely the assignment. It was long though, but like almost everyonoe said it was a great way to start the year and have us pre-informed on what we are going to learn.

  25. Elizabeth Haran -Block 4 B/D-
    It seems that everyone is pretty much on the same page when it comes to the summer assignment. Although I didn't appreciate the amount of my summer that it took up, I do think that it's really helpful to come into class having a basic knowledge of the subject. I also liked the book's language, it wasn't talking down to us, but it also didn't use crazy vocabulary that I didn't understand.

  26. Erin M. 4BD
    I agree with basically everybody since everyone's saying the same thing. The summer assignment wasn't too bad. At first it was hard to get into the swing of things, but then once i got going it was much easier. I liked learning the dull stuff now so we can be prepared for the more interesting topics once the year progresses. As Elizabeth said, they didn't use huge vocabulary so it wasn't hard to read the chapters.

  27. Tom M. 4BD
    As everyone has been saying, the summer assignment wasn't bad at all, yet it was just time consuming. It was a much needed way to start off the year on a good note. Now we have tips and pointers on how to write the notes so that they are more beneficial for us so we don't make the same mistakes during the rest of the year which is great.

  28. Kelly M. 4BD
    I agree with my classmates that the assignment was a bit long, but overall gave us an insight on what the class and notes will be like. The book explained events very well and was easy to understand. The notes will be very beneficial in the upcoming months.

  29. Deryck VA 4BD
    Like erin, i pretty much agree with everyone else. The task wasn't too hard to complete. It was long and time consuming, but well worth the work. It was a great way to get us prepared for what is to come the rest of the year.

  30. Stuart A. 4BD

    Contrary to what many have said above, I don't think the assignment was that time consuming. It took about as long as I expected it to. I thought the assignment was a great way to transition between global history and US history, and was very informative.

  31. I agree with everyone else, as well. All the chapters took a while to do, but it will be beneficial in the end. Once you started doing the chapters I felt like they became a lot more easier because I understood what to write.

  32. Colin M. 4BD

    I agree with Stuart on the fact that I don't believe this assignment was too time consuming. Spreading it out to about a chapter a day over the summer made this assignment a lot shorter for myself and it wasn't too much to take in for one day. These notes will be great because with all of my other notes for classes, having these reading notes will be a great resource to look back on.

  33. John L. 4BD

    I agree with Colin and Stuart that it didnt take up alot of time as long as you spread it out over a week or so. The assignment was also a good intro into American History and set up the basis for the Revolution. The textbook was a little bland in its writing and didnt give alot of information on something but it was helpful for the assignment.

  34. Jeremy K 4BD

    I belive that Stuart and Colin are correct in saying that the assignment took a reasonable amount of time with the amount of information that was presented. Even with the extensive amount of notes i took it will still be easier to look back on them and study than to look in the textbook. It was definitely a good way to start off the year.

  35. Emily K 4BD

    I agree that the summer assignment took awhile, but it was pretty simple if you gave yourself enough time to space it out and take breaks between chapters so it didn't seem to take as long. The book was easy to understand and explained everything really well. Completing the first six chapters of the book was a great way to warm up for the class and gave an idea of what the work will be like in the future.

  36. Mr. Frese- Block 4B/D
    Good job Block Four...I like your comments and how you used each others comments to play off of in your own entries.
