Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Local Community Issue

The Town of Schodack, like other small communities throughout NY State, is facing tough economic times and issues. Your group's task is to specifically identify a pressing local issue and a provide a detailed plan about how you would propose to solve it.


  1. A main pressing local issue that Schodack faces is the lack of business development. This issue has two sides to it, some people in the community would like to keep Schodack as a rural area where corporate powerhouses such as; Wal-Mart, Target and Home Depot aren't wanted. The downside to having extremely limited business growth is high residential taxes, few jobs, and less of a reason to move to this area.

    Our area has always lacked businesses and it has plagued our community with very high residential taxes. These taxes are a huge deterrent for potential home buyers in the area because nobody wants to start a family where the taxes are inflated.

    Since there is no business development other then a gas station and a fast food restaurant, job opportunities for students and graduates are non existent. This lack of business forms a cyclic pattern where if the community members don’t have a job, they can't spend money.

    Overall, our group would like to see more business growth to promote more residential housing.

  2. Ashley F,Rebecca R,Chelsea S,Anastasia M,Josh G,Adam SMay 25, 2010 at 5:45 AM

    Locally Schodack faces the issue of lack of business. The lack of businesses creates high taxes for people living in Schodack.High taxes create a burden on residents. Lack of business causes Schodack residents to spend money in other communities that could be going toward Schdack itself. Employment oppurtunities in the town are also low due to the lack of businesses to provide jobs. Businesses would be good to provide jobs and reduce taxes although too many businesses could change the small town feel.

  3. Jeremy, Arthur, Joe GMay 26, 2010 at 10:26 AM

    The water line break near route 9 was worked on by outstide company. Why is it that the town hires private companys to do work on private town work? That is wasting tax payers hard earned money.

    We propose that the town hires workers who can and will do the work that we are currently letting the town hire out to private companies.

  4. Joe Alvarez, Moriah Dean, Caitlyn AndrewsMay 26, 2010 at 10:30 AM

    Schodack faces a lack of growth in their community. Due to the fact that there are no big businesses and the taxes are very high. People don't find schodack to be a place where they would like to settle down. The population is constantly decreasing as the younger generations leave. Schodacks Comprehensive Plan was intended to protect and promote growth and develepoment of the town located outside the limits of any incorporated village or city. The plan was supposed to provide guidance to leaders government agencies, organizations, business, and residents and to make sure that the community needs were to be met.

  5. Josh Z., Kylien L., Matt M..May 26, 2010 at 10:34 AM

    A local problem around Schodack and Rensselaer County is the closing of the state parks. The state was making a lot of money from the boat launches and pavilion rentals. We personally were upset when Schodack Island State Park closed because we use it many times each year for the boat launch, and Matt used it for the location to complete his Eagle Scout project. We are happy that the state parks are reopening this weekend.

  6. Jeremy, Arthur, Joe GMay 26, 2010 at 10:35 AM

    The taxes of schodack are extremly high because of the lack of commerical property located in schodack. Businesses like gas stations, resturants, and markets are small commerical businnesses. Schodack needs more large businesses like the hannaford warehouse.

    More commerical bussinesses would lower a large amount of residential taxes.It would also give more jobs to town citzens. Improving the local town economy.

  7. Haley M. , BIlly K., Dyllan A.May 26, 2010 at 10:38 AM

    Schodack is facing a tough economic time because of the lack of growth of businesses in the community , there are not alot of jobs available for people in schodack .Schodack doesnt have that many businesses because there isnt as many people in schodack the number of people in schodack continuously decreases. so people in schodack have to travel to bigger cities such as albany for jobs. Schodack faces higher tax rates, school taxes, and residental taxes because of the lack of businesses which becomes a burden for residents in schodack that cannot afford that.

  8. Thomas G. Jon S. and Zita Cs.May 26, 2010 at 10:39 AM

    Recently Gov. Paterson closed all the state parks in NYS. This mass closing is bothering many people.
    Locally people cannot launch boats from the Schodack Island State Park anymore, so they have to find another launch that is not in a state park, and it can be a pain to find somewhere else to launch.
    Last weekend a bunch of friends and I planned on going boating all day. We drove to the entrance to the Schodack park, and saw that the front gates were closed for good. We then had to find another launch close to us. The nearest boat launch was about 45 minutes away from the Schodack Park.
    According to the Governor, they were closed due to the lack of funding. But, state parks are self sufficient and don't need many funds to keep them running.

  9. in a small town such as schodack it's hard to find work. alot of people own their own businesses and are very specific with what they are looking for, this causes many problems. the easier jobs to get are harder because more people are applying for them.
