Thursday, November 5, 2009

Judicial Review

Defend or Refute the following statement....

The Supreme Court's power of judicial review is a logical one in order to make the Court equal to the Executive and Legislative Branches.


  1. 1st Block Class...welcome to the blog site...please put your 1st name and last name initial on your response..

  2. The act of judicial review allows the the court to oversee the happenings of he other to branches and to determine if what they are doing defies the Constitution. With out judicial review the government would be unbalanced and there would be no repercussions for the acts of the other two branches.
    -Robert A.

  3. I defend that statement because the Judicial review helps the Judicial branch have more power to determine if laws are unconstitutional. This power allows them to check the power of the Executive and Legislative branches so they don't become too powerful and take over.
    -Caitlyn S.

  4. Judicial review allows the supreme court to see whats going on with in the other branches, allowing the judicail branch to determine if what the other branches are doing follows the constitution, without this branch or any other branch there would be no checks and balances and the world would probally end.
    -Charles P.

  5. SKALIJ RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I agree with this statement the checks and balence system regulates the amount of power one branch is entitled to and it should be as such so no one branch is entitled more power then the other so it is evenly distributed among the branches and the Supreme Courts power of judicial review keeps it as such by determining if a law should be passed or not and does not let the branches become to powerful and take control.

    -Zack P.

  7. I agree this statement because it is important to have Judicial Review. Without Judicial Review, the Supreme Court would not be as powerful as the legislative and executive branch. Therefore, the branches would not have equal power.Which would be unfair. Judicial Review gives the Supreme Court the power to declare a law unconstitutional. That is important.
    Melissa C.

  8. I agree with this statement. The checks and balances have to go with Congress. If one branch has more power then the other two, the laws will be passed by that one branch, and the law won't be checked if it was a mistake. If the branches have equal powers, the law will be checked to make sure that it's right.That's what Judicial Review does.

  9. Judicial review ensures that no branch controls everything. Each of the 3 branches check eachother making sure everything the other branches are doing is just. Without judicial review the branches would be able to do whatever they wanted and wouldn't have equal power.
    -cody c

  10. I agree with this statement because with out the power of judical review the judical branch would not have enough power to keep the other two branches under control leading to down fall of the system
    -Devin M

  11. While the Executive and Legislative branches make and enforce the laws, the Judicial branch is needed to make sure that each law is constitutional. Judicial review is used so that the other two branches can not get overly-powerful, but there are also checks that can be done against the Judicial branch, just in case they make a mistake, making each branch equal.
    -Caitlin S.

  12. I agree with the statement as well, because it's not good to have other branches more powerful than another. Though the Judicial branch doesn't make or enforce the laws, they make sure weather they should declare the law consitutional or not. Without these spererate branches to have equal power, things wouldn't turn out good for the people. Yet, without the judicial review, the judicial branch would not have as much power, making the other to branches have more power. So with the judicial review, there just about equal power amoung the three branches.

    Tory W. =D

  13. mr. frese is the bommmmmmmmmmbbbbbb

  14. I also agree with the statement,because branches should not be more powerful as other branches...and also they should not have the right to overturn the president...but also this is good because if we didnt have these...people and laws would not be the same as followed laws should only be passed when good.

    Bobby H.

  15. I agree wiith this statement,because if there was no power of the judicial review the judicial branch would not have enough power to have the other two branches under control of the others

    Maria C.

  16. I agree with the statement said because its important to have Judicial Review. Without Judicial Review, the Supreme Court would not be as powerful as the legislative and executive branchs. Therefore, the branches would not have equal power.Which would not be right. Judicial Review gives the Supreme Court power to declare a law unconstitutional. That is important.

    Ethan D

  17. I agree with this statement because the Judicial Review allow the constitution to maintain it power. not let the executive and legislative branches take the natural human right a way of the American people

    Brendon W

  18. I defend this statement because judicial review gave the Supreme Court the power to declare acts of the Executive and Legislative Branches unconstitutional. This power made the branches of government more epual. Because of the powers like Judicial Review, and the systems of Separation of Powers and Checks and Balances, none of the three branches can overpower the other two and take over the government.
    -Nikki C

  19. I agree with this statement because if Judicial Review was not in place, then any law could be passed. Anyone could make up some random law that would benefit their own personal needs and it would pass without chance of rejection. The review filters out the topics of least importance and gives its attention towards the ones that have more of a reason to be addressed. Judicial Review makes it so even the highest of the branches has to be approved in order for the law to pass.
    ~Kaitlynn N
