Monday, March 8, 2010

History of Federalism

The United States established a system of Federalism in order to set up a dual form of government where powers are shared between the federal and state governments. Throughout United States history there has been a constant struggle over that delicate balance of power.

Your task is to work together as a class and generate a timeline of US Federalism and how it has evolved since its inception. Chapter Three in your textbook outlines some of the key terms and event associated with this struggle for power. Use your textbook and other AP Review materials / books (on the heating unit) to list, in chronological order, the major shifts / terms/ transitions/philosophies in the relationship between the federal and state governments.

Your timeline should include Pre-Civil War court cases, the Civil War, late 19th-early 20th century, FDR's New Deal ( a dramatic fundamental shift in philosophy), LBJ's Great Society, Nixon's and Reagan's "NEW" Federalism, and the basic philosophical differences between the Republicans and Democrats over the role of the federal govt (as evidenced by the Health Care debate).

You may work together on this and with about 30 minutes left in class the timeline can be generated up front on the board and you should take notes on it.

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